No better person than dangerous Nietzsche to place us idealists with two feet back on the ground:
You don't just create art or build companies out of pure love; you do it because part of you craves to stand out and shape the world in your image.
History is formed by continuous cycles of the strong rising and the herd retaliating.
Nietzsche advises us to step aside, see the strings and start pulling a few ourselves.
@saxnot you might have more questions, since the #bible by #AntonLaVey is full of hollows.
That's just refactoring texts on #chaosmagick and #occult practices like #EnochianMagic and #aleistercrowley or even #nietzsche in order to give #atheism a cause to defend.
If so called #satanists read other #books u'd see what I mean, and would have better criteria before flagging the Name. But you probably won't since LaVey said it's all made up bullshit.
Spoiler: his new #religion also is too.
German translation of "amor fati": Tja.
I wonder why #Nietzsche was so overly complicated in that regard.
Respektlos und humorvoll hinterfragt Catherine Meurisse in ihrer Graphic Novel große Philosophen und ihr Denken. Eine vergnügliche Inszenierung. Sehr empfehlenswert. Eine Rezension
In dieser philosophischen Graphic Novel kommt kaum ein Denker ungeschoren davon. Catherine Meurisse karikiert sie treffend in Text und Bild. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Allzumenschliches von Catherine Meurisse)#Philosophie #Comic #GraphicNovel #CharlieHebdo #Feminismus #Aristoteles #SimonedeBeauvoir #SigmundFreud #Nietzsche #ArthurSchopenhauer #academiedesbeauxarts #Marx #Camus #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Allzumenschliches«: Wenn Hobbes weint und Kant singt
"The faith itself" is Hillsong and Osteen, in practical terms.
The actual faith died with the Christians in the Colosseum. - #nietzsche
"Brunnenvergiftung (Nietzsche is dead)"
is a song by my band @azugm (see for more)
Inspired by #Grindcore #CrustPunk #HarshNoiseWall and the vocals in #BlackMetal
Incl. #Nietzsche quotes about monsters (0:36) and the abyss (0:55)
Title ("poisoning the well") is a term from dark rhetoric
Lyrics (a #Haiku ?): Mit Gift in der Hand
Stehe ich vor dem Brunnen
Hab' Angst vor mir selbst
in :
Standing in front of the well
With poison in my hand
And I'm afraid of myself
Nueva Germania - Das gescheiterte „#Arier-Experiment“ im Urwald -
Eine Zuflucht für die "arische Rasse": Das sollte Nueva Germania sein, als deutsche Auswanderer den Ort 1886 in #Paraguay gründen. Das Projekt scheitert nach wenigen Jahren. Doch der Ort existiert bis heute. Archäologen suchen nun mit Zeitzeugen nach Spuren der einstigen Arier-Kolonie.
#Förster #Nietzsche #Klingbeil #antisemitismus #neugermania #Arier #kolonie #NuevaGermania